Ventilation & Air Movers
As part of our portfolio of services and products for confined space working, ventilation products provide a key means of making these areas safe.
Technical advice is offered on ventilation systems that utilise standard axial fans, intrinsically safe air movers, and air powered Venturi eductors, together with a range of accessories such as flow indicators and ducting.
Also, our intrinsically safe lighting range includes area lighting, hand torches, and head torches that are all approved for hazardous confined space area use. Manufacturers we work with: SA, VAF and RVT.
Examples of products provided include:
Technical advice is offered on ventilation systems that utilise standard axial fans, intrinsically safe air movers, and air powered Venturi eductors, together with a range of accessories such as flow indicators and ducting.
Also, our intrinsically safe lighting range includes area lighting, hand torches, and head torches that are all approved for hazardous confined space area use. Manufacturers we work with: SA, VAF and RVT.
Examples of products provided include:
- Air Powered Venturi Airmovers
- Non-EX Airmovers
- EX Airmovers
- EX Heaters and Air Conditioners
- EX Paint and Drum Heaters
- Specialist extraction including Filtration and Scrubbing

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0330 827 0887
0330 827 0887