Fully Equipped Service Workshops

At our UK locations we have fully equipped service workshops which cover the full range of equipment. These specialist facilities include full decontamination of equipment if required prior to service, hydrostatic testing of cylinders under IDEST accreditation and dedicated oxygen clean room facility.
Pre-Event Resource Planning

On-Site Servicing

For the majority of equipment our fully trained engineers can attend the clients site to conduct servicing, which means the equipment does not have to go off site, reducing down time and increasing efficiency. On-Site Servicing may be conducted as a Total Care™ programme for monthly or quarterly RPE inspection regimes, or a planned six-monthly/annual basis for other equipment.

In-Plant Servicing Centres

Where large volumes of equipment warrant, we have mobile containerised workshop facilities that can be deployed to site, which provide fully equipped accommodation to carry out a range of services. These work equally well for short duration shutdown type projects or as an ongoing permanently manned service facility, as part of an expanded Total Care™ programme.

Total Care™ Programme

The Total Care Programme provides a bespoke planned maintenance service to ensure that the statutory inspection’s and servicing for safety critical equipment as well as ongoing cleaning, repairs and maintenance requirements are dealt with professionally. Often left as a peripheral maintenance activity, we look after this critical area of safety improving asset uptime, utilisation, and user safety.
What HSE guidance says...(HSG53, page 9)
“29 In addition, you must ensure that reusable RPE undergoes thorough examination and, where appropriate, testing at suitable intervals. This should be monthly, or every three months if used less frequently. This will not only make sure the RPE protects the wearer but will also extend the life of the equipment and so maximise your investment.”

Specialist Services

Fixed Gas Detection Servicing

At Breathe Safety, we supply, install, commission and provide lifetime support for fixed gas detection assets. We work with a number of different manufacturers including Crowcon, BW, Honeywell, GDS, MSA, Drager, Analox, IGD. Our services in this area include:
  • Scoping out new, and upgrades to existing system
  • Install and commissioning of new systems
  • Servicing/calibrations on new and existing systems
  • Troubleshooting, repair and remedial works on existing systems
  • Proactive and reactive maintenance using Breathe Safety field based engineers around the country

On-site Air Quality Testing

Free breathing air repair work from our fully equipped workshop. Repair work that would otherwise be costly is carried out at cost of parts only.

Hydrostatic Cylinder Testing

Special rates on other services - training, face fit testing and new equipment are provided at preferential rates if a client has a total care programme in operation.

Oxygen Clean Equipment Servicing

Full oxygen clean room facilities for repair and maintenance.

High Pressure Compressors

Support for key manufacturers of high pressure breathing air compressors and related equipment.
© Copyright 2025 Breathe Safety.
All Rights Reserved.

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